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Interpreter compatibility

How to configure which Python version(s) your project should use.

Setting the default Python version

Configure your default Python interpreter compatibility constraints in pants.toml like this:

interpreter_constraints = ["CPython==3.8.*"]

The value can be any valid Requirement-style string. For example:

  • CPython>=3.6: CPython 3.6+
  • CPython>=2.7,!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,!=3.3.*,!=3.4.*: CPython 2.7 or 3.5+
  • CPython==3.7.3: CPython 3.7.3
  • PyPy: any version of PyPy

As a shortcut, you can leave off CPython and just put the version specifier. For example, ==3.8 will be expanded automatically to CPython==3.8.

Using multiple Python versions in the same project

Pants also allows you to specify the interpreter compatibility for particular targets. This allows you to use multiple Python versions in the same repository, such as allowing you to incrementally migrate from Python 2 to Python 3.

Use the compatibility field on a Python target to override its interpreter constraints, like this:


If compatibility is left off, the target will default to the value from the option interpreter_constraints in [python-setup].

Pants will merge the constraints from the target's transitive closure when deciding which interpreter to use, meaning that it will look at the constraints of the target, its dependencies, and the dependencies of those dependencies. For example:

  • Target A sets compatibility==2.7.*.
  • Target B sets compatibility>=3.5, and it depends on Target A.
  • When running ./pants binary :b, Pants will merge the constraints to ==2.7.*,>=3.5. This is impossible to satisfy, so Pants will error.

This means that every dependency of a target must also be compatible with its interpreter constraints. Generally, you will want to be careful that python_library targets are compatible with multiple Python versions because they may be depended upon by other targets. Meanwhile, pex_binary and python_tests targets can have specific constraints because they are (conventionally) never dependencies for other targets. For example:

# Library is compatible with Python 2.7 or 3.5+.

# When merged with the library's constraints, the final result will require `>=3.5`.
Pants cannot validate that your interpreter constraints are accurate

Pants accepts your interpreter constraints at face value. If you use a constraint like '>=3.6', Pants will trust you that your code indeed works with any interpreter >= 3.6, as Pants has no way to audit if your code is actually compatible.

Instead, consider running your unit tests with every Python version you claim to support to ensure that your code really is compatible:



This quickly gets tedious to write in BUILD files, so we recommend defining a macro that will generate all the targets for you.

Upcoming feature: py-constraints goal

Pants 2.1 adds the pants.backend.python.mixed_interpreter_constraints goal, which activates the py-constraints goal to show what final, merged constraints are used by a particular file or target and why.

You can also use ./pnats py-constraints --summary to generate a CSV of every file and target's constraints, transitive constraints, and the # of dependencies (how easy it is to change) and # of dependees (how impactful it is to change). This is useful when migrating a codebase, such as Python 2 to 3 migrations.

Tips for Python 2 -> Python 3 migrations

While every project will have different needs and scope, there are a few best practices with Pants that will allow for a more successful migration.

  • Start by setting the interpreter_constraints option in [python-setup] to describe the status of the majority of your targets. If most are only compatible with Python 2, set it to ==2.7.*. If most are compatible with Python 2 and Python 3, set to >=2.7,!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,!=3.3.*,!=3.4.*. If most are only compatible with Python 3, set to >=3.5. For any targets that don't match these global constraints, override with the compatibility field.
  • Find your most-used targets, such as your util targets, by running ./pants dependees --transitive --output-format=json (see Project introspection). Focus on getting these targets to be compatible with Python 2 and 3. You may want to also run ./pants dependencies on these targets to find which are the easiest to migrate.
  • Once >40% of your targets work with both Python 2 and Python 3, change the interpreter_constraints option in [python-setup] to specify compatibility with both Python 2.7 and Python 3 so that all new code uses this by default.
  • For targets at the "top" of the graph, meaning targets which have no or few dependencies, change them to Python 3-only when possible so that you can start using all the neat new Python 3 features like f-strings! You can usually do this to python_tests and pex_binary targets, as they are never dependencies for other targets. You can also do this if every "dependee" target also works exclusively with Python 3. Use ./pants dependees --transitive path/to:target to see what depends on the target.

Check out this blog post on Pants' own migration to Python 3 in 2019 for more general tips on Python 3 migrations.

Changing the interpreter search path

Pants will default to looking at your $PATH to discover Python interpreters. You can change this by setting the option interpreter_search_paths in the [python-setup] scope.

You can specify absolute paths to interpreter binaries and/or to directories containing interpreter binaries. In addition, Pants understands some special symbols:

  • <PATH>: read the $PATH env var
  • <PYENV>: use all directories in $(pyenv root)/versions
  • <PYENV_LOCAL>: the interpreter specified in the local file .python-version

For example:

interpreter_search_paths = ["<PYENV>", "/opt/python3"]