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Version: 2.6 (deprecated)


pants lint [args]

Run all linters and/or formatters in check mode.

Backend: ``

Config section: [lint]

Basic options


Advanced options


per_file_caching = <bool>
default: False

Rather than linting all files in a single batch, lint each file as a separate process.

Why do this? You'll get many more cache hits. Why not do this? Linters both have substantial startup overhead and are cheap to add one additional file to the run. On a cold cache, it is much faster to use --no-per-file-caching.

We only recommend using --per-file-caching if you are using a remote cache or if you have benchmarked that this option will be faster than --no-per-file-caching for your use case.

Deprecated options


reports_dir = <DIR>
default: None
Deprecated, will be removed in version: 2.7.0.dev0.
Edit the config file for the linter in question, or set its args via Pants options, to cause it to write reports under freports .

Specifying a directory causes linters that support writing report files to write into this directory.