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Version: 2.18 (deprecated)


A Helm chart deployment.

Backend: pants.backend.experimental.helm


str | None
default: None

The address of the helm_chart or helm_artifact that will be used for this deployment.


Iterable[str] | None
default: None

Addresses to other targets that this target depends on, e.g. ['helloworld/subdir:lib', 'helloworld/', '3rdparty:reqs#django'].

This augments any dependencies inferred by Pants, such as by analyzing your imports. Use pants dependencies or pants peek on this target to get the final result.

See for more about how addresses are formed, including for generated targets. You can also run pants list :: to find all addresses in your project, or pants list dir to find all addresses defined in that directory.

If the target is in the same BUILD file, you can leave off the BUILD file path, e.g. :tgt instead of helloworld/subdir:tgt. For generated first-party addresses, use ./ for the file path, e.g. ./; for all other generated targets, use :tgt#generated_name.

You may exclude dependencies by prefixing with !, e.g. ['!helloworld/subdir:lib', '!./sibling.txt']. Ignores are intended for false positives with dependency inference; otherwise, simply leave off the dependency from the BUILD file.


str | None
default: None

A human-readable description of the target.

Use pants list --documented :: to see all targets with descriptions.


default: False

Enables DNS lookups when using the getHostByName template function.


bool | None
default: None
backend: pants.backend.experimental.helm.check.kubeconform

Whether to fail if there are missing schemas for custom resources.


Iterable[str] | None
default: None
backend: pants.backend.experimental.helm.check.kubeconform

Regular expression patterns specifying paths to ignore.


str | None
default: None
backend: pants.backend.experimental.helm.check.kubeconform

Kubernetes version to use for the validation.


Iterable[str] | None
default: None
backend: pants.backend.experimental.helm.check.kubeconform

List of kinds or GVKs to reject.


Iterable[str] | None
default: None
backend: pants.backend.experimental.helm.check.kubeconform

List of kinds or GVKs to ignore.


bool | None
default: None
backend: pants.backend.experimental.helm.check.kubeconform

Run Kubeconform in strict mode.


str | None
default: None

Kubernetes namespace for the given deployment.


default: False

If true, none of the lifecycle hooks of the given chart will be included in the deployment.


Iterable[str] | None
default: None

List of runnable targets to be used to post-process the helm chart after being rendered by Helm.

This is equivalent to the same post-renderer feature already available in Helm with the difference that this supports a list of executables instead of a single one.

When more than one post-renderer is given, they will be combined into a single one in which the input of each of them would be output of the previous one.


str | None
default: None

Name of the release used in the deployment. If not set, the target name will be used instead.


default: False

If true, then does not deploy the Custom Resource Definitions that are defined in the chart.


default: False
backend: pants.backend.experimental.helm.check.kubeconform

If set to true, do not run any kubeconform checking in this Helm target when running pants check.


Iterable[str] | None
default: ('*.yaml', '*.yml')

Helm configuration files for a given deployment.


Iterable[str] | None
default: None

Arbitrary strings to describe a target.

For example, you may tag some test targets with 'integration_test' so that you could run pants --tag='integration_test' test :: to only run on targets with that tag.


int | None
default: None

Timeout in seconds when running a Helm deployment.


Dict[str, str] | None
default: None

Individual values to use when rendering a given deployment.

Value names should be defined using dot-syntax as in the following example:

"nameOverride": "my_custom_name",
"image.pullPolicy": "Always",

Values can be dynamically calculated using interpolation as shown in the following example:

"configmap.deployedAt": f"{env('DEPLOY_TIME')}",

Check the Helm backend documentation on what are the options available and its caveats when making usage of dynamic values in your deployments.