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20 posts tagged with "announcement"

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· 2 min read
Greg Niemann

Today we are excited to announce that Klaviyo has become the first Platinum sponsor of the Pants project via the corporate sponsorship program! This is one of the first such sponsorships through our new Open Source Sponsorship program, through which we are trying to support the open source projects we depend on. While the core development and maintenance of Pants is volunteer driven, there are costs involved with maintaining and distributing such a large piece of software, costs which far too often are covered by individual volunteers. We benefit enormously from this project and want to help contribute to its ongoing success.

Klaviyo chose Pants as the build system for our backend monorepo 18 months ago (read about how we chose Pants here). Since then, we have been impressed not only by the power, flexibility and ease of use relative to other systems that Pants offers, but also by the amazing community that surrounds it. It is truly the Pants community that sets it apart, from active development efforts to the vibrant and welcoming Slack. This community is a prime reason we chose Pants, and is what we hope to foster with our sponsorship.

Like all software of this size, we recognize there are costs associated with the development of Pants - from compute costs for CI, to hosting for the incredible documentation site. We are happy to help fund these costs so that the project and community can continue to grow. We hope that our initial sponsorship will prompt other commercial businesses using Pants to do the same, at any level of support, helping to support a growing Pants community for years to come.

· 7 min read
Christopher Neugebauer

"Blue Bill Duck" by Richard Ashurst licensed under CC BY 2.0

The 2.15 series represents the biggest change to Pants since version 2.0, and we're excited to share how it can let you complete more workflows, more easily, in more places. Including cross-platform builds, containerized builds with Docker, and easier configuration for local builds…

· 6 min read
Stu Hood

Highlights include: less boilerplate via hierarchical defaults for target field values, better Golang monorepo support, with multiple go.mods, do more of your workflows in Pants with the experimental deploy goal (with initial support for Helm), and much more…

· 6 min read
Christopher Neugebauer

We're pleased to announce Pants 2.13.0. Highlights include better command line arguments for file sets, improved JVM support, easier access to parallel execution in CI, and lower barriers to adoption for Python projects that currently use existing distribution and build tools.

· 9 min read
Benjy Weinberger

There are so many tools in the Python development ecosystem. Installing, configuring and orchestrating them—all while not re-executing work unnecessarily—is a hard problem, especially as your codebase grows.

Fortunately, there is now a tailor-made (pun intended) solution: Pants v2!